Wednesday, August 23, 2006

yesterday my dad told me something. or maybe talked to me. this is how it went

dad : danielle. can i talk to you for a second
me : yeah
dad : my company asked me to go to east timor for some peace keepings. but its not on behalf of the army but the company.
me : how long?
dad : 2-3 years

and i started crying!! i feel like crying now. i miss my daddy so much la. i dun want him to go again. later time he went there for so long loh he wasn't at home. i dun want him to go. then after a while he came back in the room

dad : are you okay? i haven't said yes yet and i can reject it. if you dun want me to go then i will reject it

i just kept crying and crying. didnt reply him.
well, at least he talked to me about it. but if he wants to go then i let him go loh. but i really dun want him to go.


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